Nissan Almera Tyre Price – Staring From RM150 For Continental, Falken, Goodyear

Info About Nissan Almera Tyre Price

Nowadays, Nissan Almera tyre price is getting lower and more affordable. Generally, the Nissan Almera tyre price is starting from RM150 if using either Goodyear or Continental tyre. Nevertheless, there are more tyre options and branding selection for Almera. This is because Almera is using the same tyre just like the other daily drive sedan car in Malaysia. Thus, Almera has variety of tyre options which commonly has reasonable price and cost. As a result, Nissan Almera has affordable tyre maintenance and changing cost. Hence, there are a lot of youngster and also family who own Almera in Malaysia.

General Intro About Nissan Almera

Almera is a popular segment B car of Nissan. Generally, Nissan Almera just like Toyota Vios and City which has a lot of young users. This is because Nissan Almera is practical, durable and having reasonable maintenance cost. Hence, Nissan Almera is one of the affordable car in Malaysia car market. As a result, we can easily find Almera on the road.

As an additional info, Nissan Almera is a good daily drive car for working, shopping and doing daily activities. Furthermore, Nissan Almera is good for family to send kid to school and having some family activities. Hence, Almera is popular with its functionalities.

Tyre Options And Brand Selection

There are a lot of car tyre manufacturers and suppliers in Malaysia. Hence, Almera has a lot of tyre options and brand selections. This is because Almera is using either 15inch or 16inch tyre. If some Almera owner upgrade the Almera rim, the Almera may use bigger and wider tyre. However, Almera stock rim are good to use standard size 15inch or 16inch tyre. If the Almera not sure which tyre is suitable, feel free to get the assist from the tyre shop.

Generally, Almera has the following tyre brand selection:

  • Continental
  • Falken
  • Dunlop
  • Goodyear
  • Michelin

Reference List About Nissan Almera Tyre Price In KL Selangor

Why Almera Need Tyre Change Service?

As a reference info, the car tyre will become thin after being used for a period of time. This is because the tyre will use resistance force on the road to create grip. Thus, the tyre will become thinner because of the resistance on the road.

When the tyre is thin, the tyre will losing grip. This is because thin tyre does not have enough groove and tyre tread. Furthermore, the rubber material will degrade after a period of time. Hence, the tyre will become harder and lose certain level of grip.

If the tyre is losing grip, the tyre will slide easily and increase the dangerous level of the car. Thus, Almera just like other sedan which also need tyre change service.

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